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Enderman shader
this shader is a simple shader like any other, but this one I did inspiring myself in several other shaders gave a greater work to program, create, edit and even reach success, but now I can make available for you minecraft players and content creators / youtuber.

this shader is a simple shader like any other, but this one I did inspiring myself in several other shaders gave a greater work to program, create, edit and even reach success, but now I can make available for you minecraft players and content creators / youtuber, but let's talk about the characteristics of this shader;
• Sun light
•Realistic sun and moon
• Realistic sky
• Modified water
• Grasses, plants, and tree leaves move in the wind
• Very realistic and incredible day schedules
• Torches, flashlights and other light sources emit around 65% of light into the environment
• Block shadows
• Realistic moon and sun
•And much more!
Here are some of the examples for this shader in screeshots;
• Torches, flashlights and light sources
•Under water
•Snow / blizzard
•The End
•Shadows among blocks
Well here goes a little bit of food this shader was made; - I first researched a lot about shaders and how they were made, after that I went directly to YouTube to know how to create shaders and the basics to do. I found several tutorials on this but it was necessary to know a little about programming and among others, so I went to see several programming classes and the basics of file management in general, after that I did the step by step created and programmed my own shader until I got to a point where several mistakes happened ... but with a lot of effort I managed to finish my shader and thus reaching the success of my great effort
If you want to make a video for YouTube, please ask me to leave my profile credits on MCPEDL and my channel on YT https://youtube.com/channel/UCcNrONNGfrKQ9mrBLP7GSBA
> How to install the shader
1- Download the shader (the .zip or .mcpack file)
2-Go to "Files" on your device
3-Find the downloaded file
4- Hold this file for a few seconds and then move it to the "games" folder after that click on "com.mojang" and go to "resources_packs"
5- Leave the file in the resource_packs folder
6- open your Minecraft
7- click on options in your menu
8- go to global resources and select the Enderman Shadee after this click on activate and done! now just go play your Minecraft with this amazing shader;)
• This shader is only for android / ios phones (TESTED ON WEAK DEVICES AND CONFIRMED WITHOUT LAG) [​tested devices: Samsung J5, IPhone 6 and Motorola]
-> Tip:
For better gameplay set your brightness to "0" or "50" ;)
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My twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/ArtEnderr
My channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCcNrONNGfrKQ9mrBLP7GSBA