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DZPE Shader

If you're sick of the same colors and saturation in Minecraft Vanilla, this shader is for you. "DZPE Shader" is a shader that can be used on a device with 1GB of RAM. The DZPE Shaders are very beautiful shaders that completely change the Minecraft setting and will make you enjoy Minecraft Pocket Edition more.
You are tired of the same colors and saturation of Minecraft Vanilla, because this shader is for you, "DZPE Shader" is a shader that can be used on a device with 1gb of ram. Completely changing the Minecraft setting, the DZPE Shaders are very beautiful shaders that will make you enjoy Minecraft Pocket Edition more.
1. Reflection of the sun in the water and realistic and transparent water.
2. Contains warmer saturation, dynamic block shadows, mist to disguise low chunk loading and movement on the leaves as well as on the water.
3. Change in saturation and effect on the atmosphere when it rains.
4. Moderate lighting, reflection of the moon in the water, more stars and a clearer night.
5. More detailed shadows and flashes of light and simulation of shadows in real time.
6. Illumination in the nether clearer and detailed light depending on the biome you are in.
7. vignette effect and more saturation in the end.
The "DZPE Shaders" are supported only for Android devices. Windows 10 is not supported by OpenGL 2.1 and RenderDragon. If the shader doesn't load into your world try moving the shader to the following path: games / com.mojang / development_resourcepack.