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Third Person Camera
Third-person mode in Vanilla Minecraft is not suitable for play. This client-side resource pack alters how the player is rendered and animated to better facilitate gameplay. You can use on any server you'd like!

This is a resource pack that you can apply to your global resources.
To trigger its effects in-game, enter 1st person mode, then swap to 3rd person.
This pack primarily does four things:
1) Makes your player model translucent when mining/attacking/interacting
As shown above: the player is translucent when aiming the bow.
2) Makes any player model translucent when close enough to the camera
As shown above: the player is translucent when close to the camera.
3) Enables a cross-hair in third-person mode
4) Animates your player to face the direction they're walking in
Known issues:
Currently, attachable (shield, bow, crossbow, trident...) and the player fist don't properly render in first-person mode. As this resource pack isn't designed for first-person, I don't consider fixing it to be a priority.
Download the .mcpack file, and double-click to install. Once in-game, enter first-person mode once, then swap to third-person mode.
It's recommended to enable it only in the global resources.