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Salmon Shader [v1.3.2]

Salmon Shader [v1.3.2]

Hello i'm ItsReyPlays and this is my shader, Salmon Shader. This shader make your vanilla minecraft a better looking and more colorful, this shader is also recommended for low end devices. I hope its make your experience more better.

This shader change:
- Day and Night lightning color.
- Sky (day, night, rain).
- Sunrise and sunset color.
- Waving plant.
- Shadow block.
- Improved water color.
- Underwater.
- Nether.


  • Turn on Render Cloud. (You can turn it off if you like clear sky)
  • Turn on Beautiful Sky.
  • Turn on Smooth Lightning.
  • Turn on Fancy Graphic.
  • Renderchunk 6 - 12.
  • Brightness 60- 80.
