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Onix Client!
The best client for Minecraft bedrock, and one of the only authentic ones that is not just texture pack! This client has a ton of features such as Zoom Fullbright freelook environment changer java Debug menu Toggle sprint/sneak Auto GG Chunk border Third person nametag block outline/overlay FPS Counter Clock Keystrokes Coordinates Server ip CPS counter Direction HUD Speed display Reach Display Combo Counter Pack Display armor HUD Movable paperdoll Flappy bird snake .commands -do .help in chat for a list - Current 2.00 features
What features are in the client?
- We currently have tons of features which are:
environment changer
java Debug menu
Toggle sprint/sneak
Auto GG
Chunk border
Third person nametag
block outline/overlay
FPS Counter
Server ip
CPS counter
Direction HUD
Speed display
Reach Display
Combo Counter
Pack Display
armor HUD
Movable paperdoll
Flappy bird
-do .help in chat for a list
- Current 2.00 features
How do I download this for mobile?
- As the discord name suggests this is only for Windows 10 64 bit
How do I downgrade/update?
- Do this if your current version isn't supported, download Mclauncher from, watch this video for help or dm me for a minecraft appx file.
Download! (Download is in the #downloads channel in their discord)