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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Survival Craft v.4

MCPE/Bedrock Survival Craft v.4

Welcome to survival craft where prehistoric creatures become blocky and tamable there will be more added in the future there are new adventures a new boss riding a bunch of other things it is my first so enjoy



Health: 120

Speed: 0.250

damage: 15


Health: 4

Speed: 0.250

damage when tamed: 3



Health: 50

Speed: 0.250

damage: 10


Health: 6 

speed: 0.100

Damage: 5

Tyrannosaurus rex 

health 200

speed 0.250

damage 50



Tamable with sweet berries 

drops proto meat

Fish bucket

This can tame a sarco suchus hold down in a radius of 10 blocks of a knocked out sarcosuchus

And you should tame it

aslo it can tame a Spino that is nocked out in a radius of 5

and you should tame it
taming berries


this can tame a dodo hold down in a radius of 5 blocks of a knocked out dodo

And you should tame it

berry bucket


this can tame a triceratops hold in a radius of 5 blocks of a knocked out triceratops 

And you should tame it

trank cross bow

hold to fire to knock out triceratops hold down on first shot in a radius of 5

To knock out a sarchosuchus hold down on a radius of 10 on 5 arrows


Hold down on a radius of 5 to know out a dodo

also the same with a velociraptor 
trank arrow 


Put poison berries in a furnace to make trank stew

boss locator 

Throw a tekno on it  and it will give you the coordinates

death worm boss

It’s the bos


saddle table 



trike saddle

Hold in a radius of five of tamed trike to add a saddle


meat bucket

This can tame a knocked out trex in a radius of 20


health 200

speed 0.250

damage 50




speed 0.250

damage:1 but with instant damage cause of its claws


taming meat

Can tame a knocked out velociraptor in a radius of 5 blocks 


creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF0sua5Cemn3qO4jXm153_w  


Added velociraptor,stegosaurus,zuniceratops

next update will add saber tooth Utah rap and more also added built in shaders


Click on the media fire or the file