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MCPE/Bedrock Pet Chest
![MCPE/Bedrock Pet Chest](https://mcdlspot.com/mcpe-bedrock-images/mcpe-bedrock-pet-chest_2-750x459.png)
This addon adds a new pet chest which you can tame, once your pet chest has been tamed you will be able to open its inventory and save your most valuable items as the owner of the pet chest is the only one able to open its inventory so you don't have to worry about any player trying to take your stuff, after you have tamed the pet chest it will follow you no matter where you are so you don't have to worry about losing your pet chest.
This addon adds a new pet chest that you can tame, once tamed, you will be able to open its inventory and save your most valuable items, the owner of the pet chest is the only one who can open its inventory, so you won't have to worry about other players stealing your stuff, once tamed, the pet chest will follow you no matter where you go, so you won't have to worry about losing it; once tamed, the pet chest will follow
The pet chest can move between dimensions, is resistant to fire and lava, resists falling harm, and cannot be hit once tamed, so you don't have to worry about it dying.
How to use
You must offer your pet chest a chest to tame it, after you do, heart-shaped particles will appear, if this does not occur, you have not tamed the pet chest.
If you try to open the inventory of the pet chest, you will be unable to do so since the entity's owner is the only one who can do so.
If you want your pet chest to die, you must first forge a key in either the normal or melting furnaces, then interact with it while holding the key. If you do so, the pet chest will release the items it has in its inventory (it is possible that it will not release all of the items it had in its inventory, but it is unlikely), thus we recommend taking your belongings out before doing this), when the chest dies, it will spawn another chest and so on, allowing you to spawn it whenever you wish.
There are a few things to bear in mind.
-The pet chest is self-contained, which means it will not always accompany you, but this does not imply the pet will abandon you!
-Once you've tamed the pet chest, it will only follow you.
-You can only access the pet chest's inventory if you are the owner and have tamed it.
-You must first tame the key in the pet chest in order to engage with it.
-If you want your pet chest to accompany you all the time, use a pet chest to entice it.
-If you drop items near the pet chest it will store them in your inventory.
Creador:Â FreinerGamer25
Youtobe:Â FreinerGamer25
Team FreinerCraft
Crafting Table
creator: https://twitter.com/freinercraft