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MCPE/Bedrock Nadd Special: The Fun Of Halloween 2021

Welcome back to Nadd addon. Today i bring new addon from Nadd Special Series, This is special addon for your Halloween adventure. This addon adds 12 Halloween theme blocks, 5 new Halloween mobs, and other Vanilla changed to fit Halloween theme.
My Addon Features
This addon more about adventure instead of Halloween decoration.
This is some example from my addon:

Halloween Lantern
You can turn on/off this lantern by clicking/touching it. Just decoration for your Halloween party.

Structure: Haunted House
You can found this abandoned house in Birch Forest. This house has been occupied by Ghosts.

Halloween Theme Villager
Even if you are alone, you can celebrate Halloween night with Villager. They are even wear Halloween costume too.

Miniboss: Soul Bringer
This is first miniboss from my addon, in the next series my addon miniboss will be better.
As usually my addon have trailer, you can watch it in below:
- You can use this Addon for your videos in Youtube or other, but you must credit me.
- You are not allowed to publish this Addon on other Addon Website/Application, and don't take this as YOURS.
- If you wanna share this Addon, just use the original link, you not allowed to use your own link.
- You can use my Addon for learning.
This addon maybe still need lot feature, if you have an idea, comment in here or my youtube channel(Box 04). I promise next series will be better. I am so sorry because maybe my addon too late for this Halloween. I am busy in my real life, so i make addon just if i have free time. But, I am still here, i will comeback with new series. Thanks for always waiting!
Known Isues:
- Vanilla tools won't affect mining speed for custom block, so you need use my custom tools too. Because limitation.
- Stair use collision like Slab. Because limitation.
- Stair and Slab not water logged. Because limitation.
You must turn on the following feature:

creator: youtube.com/channel/UCfs3R2v_T2OxZUFsZebF7qQ