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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Mob Sandwiches Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Mob Sandwiches Addon

This addon adds new 11+ mob sandwiches, you can get all these sandwiches by craft it,

you can find slime sandwich, squid sandwich, zombie sandwich, spider sandwich, and a lot of different sandwiches.

all these sandwiches will give you mob abilities or effects to you after eating it,  

like if you eat a slime sandwich you will get slime abilities, and a blaze sandwich you will get blaze abilities, and more,

Every sandwich will give you effects for 5 minutes or less,

this is the addon, hope you enjoy it, 

Good luck. 


In this addon you can find different types of sandwiches ,

all these sandwiches can give you different effects that will make you stronger, for 5 minutes or less, 

you can craft these sandwiches with crafting table, 

after craft it you will be able to eat it and get the effects, 

This is the addon, hope you enjoy, 


Slime sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. slime

this sandwich will give you after eat it jump boost 4 and speed 3 for 5 minutes , and fill 2 of your hunger bar.


Zombie sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. rotten flesh

this sandwich will give you after eat it night vision , strength 3 for 5 minutes , and poison for 30 seconds , and fill 2 of your hunger bar .


Blaze sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. blaze powder

this sandwich will give you after eat it fire resistance for 5 minutes , and fill 2 of your hunger bar .


Magma cube sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. Magma cream

this sandwich will give you after eat it fire resistance and jump boost 3 for 5 minutes , and fill 2 of your hunger bar .


Wither Skeleton sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. coal

this sandwich will give you after eat it wither for 30 seconds , and fill 4 of your hunger bar .


Squid sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. ink

this sandwich will give you after eat it water breathing for 5 minutes , and fill 2 of your hunger bar .


Villager sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. emerald

this sandwich will give you after eat it village hero for 5 minutes , and fill 2 of your hunger bar .


Cow sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. Steak

this sandwich will give you after eat it regeneration for 3 minutes , and fill 2 of your hunger bar .


Spider sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. spider eye

this sandwich will give you after eat it poison for 30 seconds , and fill 4 of your hunger bar .


Skeleton sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. bow
  3. 2 bones

this sandwich will give you after eat it speed 4 for 5 minutes , and fill 2 of your hunger bar .


Enderman sandwich

you can craft it with :

  1. 2 bread
  2. ender pearl

this sandwich will give you after eat it night vision and absorption 3 for 5 minutes , and fill 2 of your hunger bar .



You can’t use the addon without turn ( Holiday Creator features ) ON .


This is the addon , hope you enjoy ,

Good luck .  


Fix bugs ,

Adds new textures ,

 Edit some textures ,

creator: AmGamer766