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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Dungeons Pack Addon

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Dungeons Pack Addon

Welcome to the world of dungeons. As you can see, I've restored a lot of Minecraft: Dungeons mobs, blocks, decorations, weapons, artifacts, and game mechanics in the bedrock edition, all in this Minecraft Dungeons Pack Addon!


Some Mobs

1. Iron Golem

Unlike the iron golem in the original game, this iron golem has higher health and glowing yellow eyes, can only be conjured by golem kit, and will disappear if there are no hostile creatures nearby for a long time.


It has two attack modes: swinging arm and hammering



2. Geomancer

The diviner, who often roams the badlands and savannah in groups, will first stay away from the player, then summon stone walls to restrict the player's movement or bomb the player.


Summon a large number of common stone pillars or blast stone pillars



3. Royal Guard

The royal guard is the regular army among the illagers. They can be found in the mountains, highlands, badlands and savannas. No matter how powerful the enemy is, they cannot be deterred, because the royal shield on the left hand can withstand huge damage for them.


Attack with a left - handed mace




The Leapleaf is a powerful creature dormant deep in the jungle that seems to mimic the behavior of a chimpanzee, but there are no chimpanzees in Minecraft!


Normal attack, or fly into the air and slam the ground



5. Redstone Golem

In this version, redstone golems are very rare, they only appear in the gravel mountains, but when you see their power, you want them to disappear from the world!


Swing its arms, or summon a lot of redstone mine



6. Redstone Monstrosity

Redstone Monstrosity are by far the most terrifying creatures, and they need to be summoned using a special device. It's best not to try summoning, because once you do, this merciless war machine will wreak havoc on your field!


Base attack, fast base attack, summon redstone cubes, fire burst fireball


840 (Redstone Monstrosity have resistance and absorb XP orbs to replenish its health.)

Some Melee Weapons

Weapons in this addon fall into two main categories: normal and unique. Unique weapons need to be the corresponding common weapons as raw material, with the enchanted blacksmith trade to obtain. The same weapon has different levels, one star, two stars and three stars, with the higher the level, the more powerful it is. Weapon upgrades require rubies and starlight rubies, a low level common weapon with three rubies in the crafting table will synthesize a high level common weapon, and a low level unique weapon with three starlight rubies in the large anvil (described below) will synthesize a high level unique weapon. Almost all of the common level weapons can be remade from the crafting table, with only the Broken Sawblade and Anchor retrieved from the piglin trade and the shipwreck chests, respectively. Most of the weapons have exactly the same abilities as in Minecraft: Dungeons. Here's just a look at some of the weapons. I'll leave the rest to you to explore.

1. Nightmare's Bite

This is a two-wielded weapon that, while not very powerful, has a chance to create a poison fog each time it is hit, and enemies trapped in the poison fog will continue to take poison damage. Chance to generate poison fog increases with level.

2. Storm Lander

This hammer contains the power of the thunder, and like all hammers, it deals splash damage with each attack. In addition, each attack has a chance to trigger a powerful thunder that can inflict mortal damage to your opponent. When the weapon is enchanted, the seal of thunder on the hammer will appear.

3. Mechanized Sawblade

The Mechanized Sawblade still emits fire from the place where it was forged. This strange sword has two attack modes. When you're standing, the left button will make a single attack, and when you're squatting, the left button will trigger a continuous attack, which means that the Mechanized Sawblade will automatically continue to hit the target in front of you until it overheats or you stand up.

4. Highland Axe

The Highland Axe has a mysterious power that can stun certain creatures (illagers, skeletons, zombies, and players), rendering them completely incapable of attack and movement for a period of time.


Cast in the darkest depths of the Firy Forge, this weapon has the power of Fire. Right-click in hand to enchant Fire Aspect, but don't use it to gain a lot of experience, because each right-click consumes a lot of durability!

6. Encrusted Anchor

This is a weapon from the Hidden Depth. It is so heavy that it can absorb knockback for the bearer. When you wield it, it does a pre-attack immediately, and a full strike 0.5 seconds later. The sharpness enchantment does not increase the power of this weapon, but it is already too powerful by itself.

Some Artifacts

In this version, all artifacts cannot be synthesized. The only way to obtain them is to purchase them from the Mystery Merchant in the End.


Like the Harvester in Minecraft: Dungeons, it deals high amounts of AOE damage to nearby enemies by consuming souls. Wait, is there a Soul system in this addon? (You will find the answer below)

2. Lightning Rod

Similar to the Harvester, the Lightning Rod casts superbolt by consuming Soul, but not immediately.

3. Totem of Shielding

Totem of Shielding creates a shield that keeps projectiles out of the way, but the wither has questioned this.

Trading System

I have not made any changes to the trading system for ordinary villagers. The trading system described below only applies to the new villagers: Enchanted Blacksmith, Gift Wrapper, Village Merchant, Luxury Merchant and Mystery Merchant. The most important thing is that the new merchants no longer recognize the emerald-centric trading system. They believe that the value of emeralds is so low that you have to trade with them in a completely new currency, emerald-currency. Emerald currency can be made with emeralds and netherite ingots in the crafting table, but will the new system of currency be able to restrain the depreciation of the currency? By the way, you can always poke fun at the new villagers for this decision.

1.Gift Wrapper

When dealing with Gift Wrapper you get nothing but boxes, but you end up getting everything but boxes.You never know what's inside the box, so enjoy opening it!

Spawning place: Sunflower Plain

2. Village Merchant

Village Merchant only sells the most common equipment, you will meet him where the flowers bloom.

Spawning place: Flower Forest

3. Enchanted Blacksmith

This is the only way you can get a unique weapon, and in real life we call this behavior by Enchanted Blacksmith a monopoly.

Spawning place: plain

4. Luxury Merchant

If you don't want to scour the world for ruby mines, you can buy three-star normal weapons directly from the Luxury Merchant.

Origin: Edge of jungle

5. Mystery Merchant

The Mystery Merchant monopolizes the acquisition of artifacts by selling various artifacts. He used to like to travel around the World, until one day he stumbled into the End. He never returned under the watchful eye of the Ender Dragon. But you're gonna go after him, aren't you?

Soul System

When you defeat mobs, they drop XP orbs. In the vanilla game, absorbing these glowing orbs increased your XP and level, but now these XP orbs also replenish your soul amounts. Many artifacts cost souls, and they lose their power when souls are inefficient. In addition, the full power of Moon Daggers can only be triggered if you have enough souls. Unlike experience points, soul amounts decrease over time, which means you need to fight through endless battles to gain more power. You don't have to worry about dying, because soul amounts are not lost or reduced at all after resurrection.


Ruby ores are found underground throughout the main world, but are very rare. If you dig a ruby mine, you will drop rubies. There is a very small chance that you will drop starlight rubies. As mentioned above, these two rubies are essential ingredients for weapon upgrades. In addition to digging ruby ores, you can also get rubies by trading with the Mystery Merchant.

Large Anvil

Unique weapons are so elaborate that we can't upgrade them on a small crafting table, we need a larger one -- a Large Anvil. The anvil can be synthesized in a crafting table with three iron ingots, three netherite ingots and an anvil. It will play a bigger role in future releases.

How to Summon Redstone Monstrosity

If you really want to summon this evil war machine, you can look at the following guidance: Redstone Golem will drop the redstone heart after death, one redstone heart,four red blocks and four lodestones can be made into the redstone core, put this great machine on the ground, and then right click it, soon, a much more great machine will come.

Known BUGs

1. All weapons are enchantable, but when weapons not in the vanilla game are enchanted Unbreaking, their durability will not be consumed.

2. The Spinblade may cut the user when retracted


1.This addon substantially modifies the content in player.json, which means that it is not compatible with most addons.

2.Make sure these options are when creating your world.

3.Please do not steal or republish this addon (●'◡'●).

4.Supported languages: English and Simplified Chinese


  1. Download Minecraft Dungeons Pack Addon
  2. Activate behavior pack and resource pack when creating a world
  3. Make sure you are in 1.16+ to turn on Holiday Creator Features
  4. Create the world and enjoy Minecraft Dungeons Pack Addon

creator: IceyFun