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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But, You Can Grow OP TREES

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But, You Can Grow OP TREES

INTRODUCTION:-Through addon you would be able to grow trees with op blocks. There are total 9 different trees in total which are favourable for playng in Minecraft but kind of games where you want to beat the dragon with great fun



There are is total of 9 variants that are given below:- 

  1. Cobblestone tree
  2. Coal tree
  3. Redstone tree
  4. Lapis tree
  5. Quartz tree
  6. Iron tree
  7. Gold tree
  8. Diamond tree
  9. Emerald tree


In Order to craft anyone of the saplings You just need to put the oak sapling along with the item of which kind of tree you want ti grow... 


Oak Sapling + Iron ingot = IRON SAPLING

Put the items in the crafting table in the same order. 


Some images of the trees ingame... 


Video Review:-

Here is a video review of the mod, You can encourage me by watching the full video. 

The video is in HINDI 


  1. Don't claim as your own
  2. Give link to the page its easy to download from here.
  3. I like to be credited
  4. Make videos or change codes as you want.



Provided some more ingame images of the trees while they are grown.. 


Added more images of ingame and gave some more important information..

creator: https://twitter.com/playing_master