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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft, but you can craft Enchanted Golden Apple
After the removal of crafting of the most OP item of the game, Enchanted Golden Apple in 1.9, it can only be found in a structure that makes it quite rare. But by using this addon, you can craft the ENCHANTED GOLDEN APPLE, again.
Enchanted Golden Apple
An Enchanted Golden Apple (also referred to as a Notch Apple, God Apple, or Enchanted Apple) is the most powerful and one of the rarest food items in Minecraft.
Enchanted golden apples could previously be obtained through crafting. After 1.9, they cannot be crafted. However, they may still be found (very rarely) in chests inside different structures.
Previously, these apples were crafted by placing an apple on a crafting table and surrounding it with 8 blocks of gold but the crafting recipe was removed in 1.9. But, with this addon, they can be crafted again.