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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But If You Crouch You Die (Addon)

MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But If You Crouch You Die (Addon)

Are you one of the players who likes to add a bit more difficulty when it comes to playing Minecraft? If so, I highly recommend this addon, since now you will have to be more careful, since now if you bend over, you will die!

CREATOR : Andiuber
FACEBOOK : @AndiuberOficial
TWITTER : @AndiuberOficial
YOUTUBE : Andiuber
PAYPAL :  paypal.me/Andiuber


As I mentioned above, once you have installed this addon in your world, you will no longer be able to duck, because what if you do, you will die instantly. Play alone or invite your friends into your world with this installed addon and find out who will be the first to crouch and die.

Do you think you can get past Minecraft without bending over?

Note: On mobile devices after dying you will have up to 3 seconds to stop crouching, otherwise you will die again.





Click to see installation information!


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creator: https://twitter.com/CubitosMC