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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock JonTron Brick Add-on

MCPE/Bedrock JonTron Brick Add-on

NEW Minecraft Brick update! You can now make scotch tape, paste it on bricks, and stick them on walls, or even throw bricks! Be careful with bricks though you dont wann-OH SHOOT. OOOOOOH. OOOOOOH. OHHHHH



This add-on adds Scotch Tape, Scotch Tape Bricks and Throwable JonTron Bricks!


Scotch Tape Bricks

Use /give @s js:brick_placeable to get it, or get it from the creative inventory


You can stick your scotch tape bricks to your door jam!
But beware, after 4 seconds the brick drops onto the floor!



There are custom animations & sound effects when you get hit by a brick
Note that the custom animations & sound effects only work on players


Scotch Tape Bricks can be placed directionally. (Only works with the block itself, not the item in creative inventory)


Craft Scotch Tape with Slime Balls & Paper


Paste the Scotch Tape onto a brick to make the Scotch Tape Brick!


Throwable JonTron Brick

It cannot be obtained by crafting but you can get it using commands or from the creative inventory

Use /give @s js:brick to get it

Throw it like how you throw snowballs, the brick sticks on the floor
(Note that you can trip on bricks stuck to the floor lol)

The physics of the brick is very inconsistent, which makes it more funny. Yes


Watch my video showcasing this add-on!


Removed all adfly links and replaced them with mediafire link/direct download

Changed texture of brick to include some flex seal
