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MCPE/Bedrock Fuel Overhaul

Do you have a huge crop farm but you don't want to eat all of the crops? Well, you could use a composter and turn it into bone metal but this addon will add another use for crops. What? You can turn them to charcoal!
Here are all the charcoal that this addon adds in.
- Carrot Charcoal
- Bread Charcoal
- Sugar Cane Charcoal
- Potato Charcoal
- Chorus Fruit Charcoal
- Melon Charcoal
- Apple Charcoal
- Beetroot Charcoal
- Bamboo Charcoal
see those tiny pieces? I'll talk about them later
- How do I get them?
You can get them by overcooking stuff...
You can use a Furnace or a smoker to cook them.
Here are the recipes for them:
- Carrot Charcoal needs a carrot
- Bread Charcoal needs bread
- Sugar Cane Charcoal needs sugar cane
- Potato Charcoal needs a baked potato
- Chorus Fruit Charcoal needs a popped chorus fruit
- Melon Charcoal Needs a melon slice
- Apple Charcoal needs an apple
- Beetroot Charcoal Needs a beetroot
- Bamboo Charcoal needs bamboo
Charcoal & Coal Pieces
Remember the little black pieces in the first picture? Those are pieces of charcoal and coal. You can obtain them by putting coal or charcoal in a Crafting table. (This also works with other charcoal.) If you want to smelt only one item and you have a piece of coal, you can turn them into pieces and save the rest for later.
You can turn them back to big pieces too.
The recipes are shapeless.
This works with 1.16.210 only for now. In previous versions, some components for fuel broke. Also, I don't really know if they also work with beta versions because I haven't tested it yet.