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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Fredbear's Family Diner 1983 Add-on

MCPE/Bedrock Fredbear's Family Diner 1983 Add-on

A strange restaurant full of giant robots supposedly made with the intention of "entertaining" children comes to your hands in the form of a playable addon for single-player and multiplayer! Fredbear's Family Diner is the first animatronic franchise in the FNaF saga where you can control animatronics from long distances to move, have fun, and even attack! You can use the members of Freddy's quartet or you can use the couple of Fredbear and Spring Bonnie as animatronic and springlock suit!!!


This add-on includes very interesting mechanics never seen before in a fnaf add-on!

Remember to activate all the experimental gameplay before playing this addon

This add-on includes


Freddy 1983


Chica 1983

Foxy 1983

Fredbear 1983

Spring Bonnie 1983

Remote Controllable Animatronics

Save your animatronic in inventory

Free walk mode

Structure builder

Spring Locks Suits


Remote Controllable Animatronics

place an animatronic of your choice and do the following steps to control it yourself! 

Step 1:
place redstone in your hand and click or tap on the animatronic, it will make a sound and its eyes will have blinking lights. NOW YOUR ANIMATRONIC IS ON!

Step 2:
look for the control and hold it in your hand, click or tap on the animatronic already on and it will make a sound and give you many buttons with which you can move to the front, right and left, a showtime mode, the view of the camera of the aniamtronic, attack and off.

Save your animatronic in inventory

To avoid having to beat the animatronic to death, what do you think is better to use a chest and it is automatically stored in your inventory?

With a chest in your hand, click or tap on an animatronic and it will be saved in your inventory.

Free walk mode

turn on the animatronic with redstone and then with a redstone torch click or tap on the animatronic on, and it will start walking on its own without getting too far from you

Structure builder

It is a computer that will give you the ability to build a default pizzeria with a restaurant with furniture and animatronics!

place the structure builder and get the item from the small pizzeria plans

click or tap with the item and in front of you a pizzeria will appear ready to use!

Spring Locks Suits

These suits put you in an animatronic suit, but be very careful that these have flaws. if the counting reaches 0 bad things will happen!!!

You have a minute of one of the springlocks suits, these give you more health and more damage, but they make you slightly slower.

You cannot remove it manually! You need a crowbar to be able to remove it, it has a delay of a minute and a half, use it responsibly!

Map and block textures made by Meko

models created in Blockbench by Dany Fox

Addon created by Dany Fox


  1. enter the link below
  2. go to the bottom where it says which version is the most updated and click on the yellow button "Fredbear´s Family Diner Add-on Dany Fox.mcaddon"
  3. click or tap the downloaded file
  4. this will be imported automatically to minecraft
  5. activate the addon and enjoy it!

creator: https://twitter.com/TheDanyFox