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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Easy Potions

MCPE/Bedrock Easy Potions

This time we have a new pack called 'Easy Potions' this pack is very similar to my last pack named 'Easy Potions'. This pack aims to save your time while taking potion Arrows from your huge storage systems or from Creative inventory.... Or for ur PvP 👀


A I mentioned earlier, this pack is very similar to my previous pack 'Easy Potions' and uses same idea.....

It simply adds potions effect icons to your arrows... Which prevent your time from being wasted especially if you are a mobile player.... U no longer need to tap of each arrow to see what It do ?

This is a sample image of arrows.....

Looks very similar to previous one :/


And ofcourse you can see effect icon while holding arrows in your offhand

A sample image.....

Pretty Obvious.....


So this is all for this time...

If you guys want a tweak or have a suggestion feel free to comment or join my Discord server ? 



NOTE- Server is pretty dead at the moment... So pls don't make fun of it.. I created server coz of ideas Only.... It's upto you if u wanna join or not..


It's pretty straight forward to install this pack... 

Since it's a .mcpack' file, just click on it and Import it with Minecraft....

If you r on phone and your file manager don't know how to do it...

Just rename file's extension ".mcpack'" to ".zip" and extract it..

  • Then copy it
  • Internal memory> games> com.mojang> resources_pack
  • Paste it there 

For other platforms you must open it with Minecraft

creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCktxWRAMO6Xedcr0aMCckmg