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MCPE/Bedrock Custom Chat Commands [GameTest]
Custom chat commands addon adds a bunch of new custom commands that can be ran by the prefix "." there are troll commands like .trap and .hole as well as useful commands such as .gm 1 and .i command_block
Custom chat command addon adds a bunch of new commands that can be ran in game via chat all of these commands can be accessed via .help.
.announce Hello server!
Sends an message through server
.gm 0
Changes the players gamemode
.cage @RomanMender3164(2)
Traps a player in a cage
Clears the minecraft chat
.summon cow 10
Summon a bunch of mobs
To give a player's permission to use commands
To give a player permission to use .commands you need to give them the tag "admin" run the command /tag "Player" add admin and to remove the permission do /tag "Player" remove admin.
List of Commands
- .announce <message> - Announces an message to the server
- .banish <@player> - Teleports a player to a random location
- .cage <@player> - Traps the player in a obsidian cage
- .ci - Clears your inventory
- .clearchat - Clears the chat
- .credit - Displays the credits
- .day - Sets the time to day
- .feed - Fills your hunger bar
- .gm <gamemode> - Sets your gamemode (same as /gamemode)
- .heal - Sets your health to full
- .help [page] - Displays the help message
- .hole <@player> - Â Puts the player in a hole
- .i <item> [amount] - Gives the player a stack of items
- .night - Sets the time to night
- .ping - Pong!
- .run <amount> <command> - Run a command many times
- .setspawn - Sets the players spawn point
- .smite <@player> - Summon a lightning bolt on a player
- .summon <mob> <amount> - Summons a number of mobs
- .swap <@player> <@player> - Swaps a players coords with a different player
- .tpall - Teleports everyone to you
- .tphere <@player> - Teleports someone to you
Do not:
- Put a Media Fire link into any website and do not use other Link shorteners to give access to this page.
- Re-upload onto any online site such as other mod websites.
You can:
- Learn from the pack, to make other packs.
- Use small sections of the code.
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This pack requires GameTest Framework Enabled
This pack may not work on consoles, works fine on windows 10 and realms, minecraft is working on adding console support