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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Curse Skeleton

MCPE/Bedrock Curse Skeleton

Have you ever found a friendly skeleton that can fly and strong?.Well if you say no so it means that these add-on if for you. If you want  a protector will hire this Creature as your guardian


This mob is not a enemy this is your guard and also this mob is strong.You can use this mob to fight wither

How Does it Works?

You can find the spawn egg in your inventory in creative mode

Make sure to turn on Experimental gameplay 

This skeleton is a friend can 

This mob will shoot explosive trident 

It will shoot many explosive trident s

Tridents replace as explosive trident so you can use this weapon to Protect your self


  • Health 1200
  • It doesn't replace anything
  • Has an own spawn egg
  • Damage high
  • Uses range attack
  • Shoots many explosive trident
  • Boss mob but friendly
  • Just type summon inwardwolf:curse_skeleton

If your gonna use this Addon or you make a video please credit me and don't use your own link use the link or else I will report you

If your gonna use the texture or the model please ask my permission okay or else I will report

If this add-on is bad for you just consider it because I am just a child my age is 12

I got four subs that's why I make this Add-ons


Click Here to download

Go to your Minecraft 

Wait until the successfully imported Show

Create new world

Apply both resources and behaviors

Then play

creator: Inwardwolf61415