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Minecraft Addons

MCPE/Bedrock Colorful Blocks

MCPE/Bedrock Colorful Blocks

Hello everyone, today I bring you a new addon, it adds many blocks with the 16 colors of the game, the blocks can be obtained in creative and survival mode.


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This addon adds a new table.

To get this block in survival you need dyes and wood.

Now in this table you can create the colored blocks and also slabs and stairs.

At the moment only the following color blocks can be obtained: Wood planks, bricks, terracotta, sheets, stone and stone bricks.

The blocks are obtained as follows

The stairs are obtained as follows:

The slabs are obtained as follows:

The vertical slabs are obtained as follows:

You can get the blocks from creative using the command: /give @p colored:(color)_(block)_(slab, stairs)