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MCPE/Bedrock BikeCraft Add-On

What if we have a option to find materials, craft and use Motorcycles in Minecraft? With this add-on you can do this. Craft awesome motorcycles and have fun with your friends (Or, maybe... your pig).
You have two ways to create the motorcycles, one of which is in the creative, in which you can just open your inventory of items and search for the motorcycles you want in the search tab, here are the names of the motorcycles:
- Harley Davidson
- Motocross Bike
- Scooter

The other way to use the motorcycles in your minecraft is in survival, looking for materials and creating parts to put everything together and generate the motorcycle of your choice, here is everything you will need to create the 3 types of motorcycles:
- Rim

- Wheel

- Handlebar

- Seat

- Motorcycles Base (To create the scooter and motocross bike base you just have to change the red dye to cyan or yellow)

- Motorcycle Final Craft (To create the scooter and motocross bike final craft you just have to change the red dye to cyan or yellow)

And there is, now you just have to put the final motorcycle item in your map clicking with it on the ground. Hope you have fun ?
There's some screenshots i've take:

- Scooter size increased
- scooter speed increased
- Download link changed to a more reliable one