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Flat Skins Skin Pack

Have you ever been irritated by how 3D all of Minecraft's skins are? You probably weren't, but now you will be! Because once you've tried this fantastic skin pack, you won't be able to use any other skins because they won't be as good as these.
This majestic pack includes such beautiful skins as:
- A purple thing!
- A lemon!
- A Roblox kid!
- Peppa Pig!
- An (god please forgive me) emoji!
- 2 Windows skins!
- Mr. Watch & Game!
- A FLAT Earth!
- Totem of Undying!
and last but not least...
- Leafless oak tree sapling :D (in 2 versions, old and new)
Feel free to use those skins for any purpose imaginable, although it would be nice if you would credit me;)
7 of those skins are double-sided!
Some of those aren't made entirely by myself, but I've done a few alterations so I guess it's fine
Apparently, this skin pack doesn't work that well on 1.12. Try applying the skin while you are in a world. Also, on it works perfectly fine.