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Custom Moving Skies #2
Are you tired of that default ugly blue Minecraft sky? Have you ever wanted to try something new? Well, this is the exact thing you've been looking for. You can enable custom skies by downloading this pack for free.

This resource pack has 5 custom skies and you can choose them by pressing the gear icon.
And obviously all the skies are rotating.
You can turn off the rotation by deleting the "SKY_ROTATION", text in materials folder.
Showcase Video:
Clouds & Whales:
City In Clouds:
Floating City:
Magma Sky:
Nebula [ Day & Night ]:
These skies are very much FPS friendly and especially good for mini-games like Skywars, Bedwars, The Bridge, and Rush.
Thank you very much to CrisXolt for letting me use his sky cubemap code in this texture pack.
Hope you enjoy the resource pack!